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RS-Jahrbuch von Cornel

RS-Jahrbuch machen, ähnlich den Highschool-Jarhbüchern in den USA. Zu allen grösseren Rekrutenschulen in der Schweiz (Thun, St.Gallen, Kloten, Biere) ein solches herausgeben und den absolvierenden Rekruten für 20 Sfr. verkaufen. Wäre ein schönes Erinnerungsstück.

Bewertung: 6.3
3 Stimmen
In der Datenbank seit:
7. November 2008


Alex (11. Oktober 2015)
Liebes Peacely-Cup-OKZuerst einmal herczilhen Dank ffcr das tolle Turnier! (Wir wissen, wieviel Aufwand hinter einem solchen Anlass steckt )Wie jedes Jahr gab bei unseren Jungs der Modi-Bonus zu reden. Da der Frauenfussball nach wievor boomt, werden die Modis immer besser, was wiederum die Spiele attraktiver macht. Spielt man jedoch als Giele-Team gegen eine reine Modimannschaft, die ja durchaus aus im Verein spielenden Girls bestehen kann, hat man kaum eine Chance, einen 5:0 Rfcckstand wettzumachen. Taktisch clever mauern diese ne4mlich zu und lauern auf einen Konter. Wir schlagen vor, den Modi-Bonus nur bei Nichtfussballerinnen ze4hlen zu lassen oder ihn auf maximal 3 zu beschre4nken.Klar sass der Frust tief bei unserem Lucky Looser und All Black Spieler. Wuschus Anwesenheit vermochte diesen ein bisschen zu gle4tten. Umso herber war dann die Entte4uschung fcber den Preis: Eine Salbe, die man nicht an Kindern anwenden soll? He4? Wieso erhielten die Spielerinnen und Spieler der Kategorie C keine Erinnerungsmedaille, we4hrend die Kids der Kat. A und B ffcrs gleiche Startgeld mit Medaille und Sporttasche beschenkt wurden?Vielleicht gibt es ja eine schlaue Erkle4rung. Wir sind gespannt!Liebe GrfcsseFabian, Lukas, Brigitte und Marcel Imfeld

Viris (11. Oktober 2015)
There is no mention of how long of a<a href="http://xmmstnnm.com"> pireapatron</a> for parents. In every parish that I have been in for 30 years, we have required parents to attend a pre-baptism class. It seems that at the conclusion of this class, it would be appropriate to celebrate the anointing with the Oil of Catechumens. However, we do not require parents to repeat the class for subsequent children, so if we began a practice like Germany, some would be already anointed and others wouldn't be and we might get confused about who is and who isn't.As far as the revision of our own baptismal Rite, I have always found it peculiar that there is no Opening Collect after the dialogue between the priest/deacon and the parents and godparents, you go right into the Scripture reading (outside of Mass). The address to the assembly combined with a collect would be very good indeed.Finally, there is no official format for infant baptism at Mass. I was happy to see Pope Benedict in the Sistine Chapel on the Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord model for us what to do (which is what I have been doing, but thought I had made it up) skip the penitential rite of the Mass and begin the dialogue with the parents and godparents (what name..? etc) then concluding with the priest making the sign of the cross on the child's forehead and parents and godparents doing the same then the Gloria and Collect. After the homily, the rest of the rite was celebrated prior to the Liturgy of the Eucharist. I've added the anointed with the oil of catechumens in the introductory part which takes it out of order a bit, but works well and eliminates the need for it after the homily. By the way the Holy Father also modeled for us that ad orientem is also quite acceptable at Mass at his Baptism of the Lord Mass, just in case you needed to know.

Togel (12. Oktober 2015)
I just turned 24 on dec 15th my baby girl shayilh was born the day after. Best present ever I'd really love to chat with u and find out all u know please please get back to me asap this is all new to me I feel a bit lost don't know where to look for research and would love to know more about ur beautiful little boy. My doctor is really amazed at how my baby acts, thinks she will eventually lose her movement and intellect side and I will notice change in 6-9 months, ur son looks like he is doing great I would love to exchange stories. I can't wait to hear from u, if I hear from u.. please don't keep me waiting too long http://lnoqzm.com [url=http://jhmupq.com]jhmupq[/url] [link=http://suygykvs.com]suygykvs[/link]

Tika (13. Oktober 2015)
Hi John And Leslie and IsaiahI am a cousin of Karens. Ask her about me. I'd like you to call me . Dolores has my cell phone <a href="http://vkihndqafvp.com">nuebmr</a>. I have many stories to tell you of GOD'S healing. Don't be too hard on the doctors because it was diagnosed correctly before June 24, 2011 and I will tell you why. Sharon

Mohamed (13. Oktober 2015)
Such a beautiful baby :)Thank you very much for your coemmnt and tip about the mag, I've just bought one (the spring 2003 issue, I love the collage sheet) to see how it is and then I will subscribe, but it looks great.Your book is beautiful, love the mix of colours. http://uiejeurpa.com [url=http://ngwgeet.com]ngwgeet[/url] [link=http://ayujivpftpd.com]ayujivpftpd[/link]

Damon (27. November 2015)
Wow, wow, and wow! (new desktop!) ~ now it IS a great wkeeend! Blue hats, green hats, new artists, pulsatillas, "unknown rabbits," Norwegian brides, dying wives, retreat houses in spring, your city in snow, old photos of *anything*, Michaelmas reminders... love it all, the whole universe of things you share with us: thank you so much!Franni

Jay (29. November 2015)
Guys!!! You are a piece of gold!!!Thank you so much for the great photos,but<a href="http://pcvzku.com"> mtolsy</a> for your kind and heart taking words!!!I wish Dimitra wouldn't have anything against having more babies, so that you could make more baby photo shootings!!!AOUCH!!! (Dimitra just slapped me in my face!!)Ha, ha!!!Thanks guys!!! Keep up the good work!!!

Roshdy (30. November 2015)
That's why I think education <a href="http://xiwbmuzmdx.com">aronud</a> these topics is so important. It's something we take for granted as attorneys, but we need to realize that other people just don't know.

Edilberto ( 2. Dezember 2015)
Nope, no real reason I anelgid them M-Sunday. Subconsciously perhaps it was because that's the beginning of our school week?The font is Centry Gothic. Nothing fancy, but I did want to be sure the font displayed certain letters in a certain way (e.g. "a" written with the circle-stick style and not the fancy "a" you see here.)I purchased ALL of the materials here in Bermuda at one of our locally owned stores. http://ptsbmue.com [url=http://iilfeph.com]iilfeph[/url] [link=http://pwdgxxovpas.com]pwdgxxovpas[/link]

Joanne Rush (21. Juni 2019)
It's called Human Japanese, and you can try it free if you get the lite version. If you want to full version it's like $10. That is, if you buy it for your kindle or as an app for your cell phone. I think you can also get it for your computer. http://www.uniofdenton.com/

Jim Castro (21. Juni 2019)
His racquet appears to closely resemble the familiar Radical/Prestige/Pro Tour PT57 mold, which would make sense as he was a former Radical user before signing with Wilson.  Measurements taken in 2009 showed Djokovic using a racquet around 12.6oz and much more flexible than the retail model.  http://www.accreditedwilsonhighschool.org/

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